Amy Hebert was working as a teacher’s aide in Lockport, Louisiana, when she committed the horrific act of taking the lives of her two chîldren as an act of revenge.

Amy was married to Chad Hebert who in 2005 sought a divorce. Amy and Chad had two chîldren, Camille Herbert, and Braxton Herbert, and they shared custody after the divorce was settled in April 2006.

After the divorce, Amy was bitter and wanted to do something that she believed would hurt Chad, so she did the unthinkable.

On August 20, 2007, while the chîldren were under her care, Amy brutally attacked them.

As Camille was sleeping, Amy went to her bedroom and stâbbed her more than 40 times. She screamed, “Mummy I don’t want to dîe” but her mother was relentless, and by the time she was done all the organs in her abdomen had been hit. She then attacked Braxton stâbbing him more than 50 times.

When their bodies were found, it was already too late. Amy was convicted of the crime and sentenced to two life sentences.