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    But is it really as good as people say? I’ve tested it thoroughly, and here’s my detailed review, including pros, cons, and real user feedback:
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    Have you used the Seymac case before? Share your thoughts below!
    Is the Seymac iPad Case Worth It in 2025? Here’s My Honest Review https://affiliatesale.42web.io/seymac-ipad-case-review-2025-the-ultimate/ If you’re looking for a rugged, durable, and stylish case to protect your iPad in 2025, the Seymac iPad Case is one of the best options out there. It offers military-grade protection, a 360° rotating stand, and a built-in screen protector, making it perfect for students, professionals, and travelers. But is it really as good as people say? I’ve tested it thoroughly, and here’s my detailed review, including pros, cons, and real user feedback: 👉 Read More Have you used the Seymac case before? Share your thoughts below!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1319 Views

  • Is the Seymac iPad Case Worth It in 2025? Here’s My Honest Review
    If you’re looking for a rugged, durable, and stylish case to protect your iPad in 2025, the Seymac iPad Case is one of the best options out there. It offers military-grade protection, a 360° rotating stand, and a built-in screen protector, making it perfect for students, professionals, and travelers.
    But is it really as good as people say? I’ve tested it thoroughly, and here’s my detailed review, including pros, cons, and real user feedback:
    Read More https://affiliatesale.42web.io/seymac-ipad-case-review-2025-the-ultimate/
    Have you used the Seymac case before? Share your thoughts below!
    Is the Seymac iPad Case Worth It in 2025? Here’s My Honest Review If you’re looking for a rugged, durable, and stylish case to protect your iPad in 2025, the Seymac iPad Case is one of the best options out there. It offers military-grade protection, a 360° rotating stand, and a built-in screen protector, making it perfect for students, professionals, and travelers. But is it really as good as people say? I’ve tested it thoroughly, and here’s my detailed review, including pros, cons, and real user feedback: 👉 Read More https://affiliatesale.42web.io/seymac-ipad-case-review-2025-the-ultimate/ Have you used the Seymac case before? Share your thoughts below!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1289 Views
  • Why Do Teens Kill?

    These Four Teenage Girls Committed a Brutal Murder

    Shanda Sharer was just your ordinary pre-teen, but her life was changed forever when she was brutally murdered by three older teenage girls. It’s hard to believe that young girls are capable of this type of behavior, but this case proves that they really are. It also shows that crowd mentality is very real. It’s hard to believe that any one of these girls wanted to go along with the plan, but somehow, the evening’s events transpired without any protest Not only did they murder Shanda Sharer, but they brutally tortured her before putting an end to her life. At the tender age of 11, Shanda Sharer didn’t even have a chance for her life to begin. Her life was unfairly taken from her, way too soon. How did all this happen? Keep reading to find out.

    About Shanda Sharer
    Shanda was a bubbly pre-teen with her whole life ahead of her. She was someone that everybody wanted to be friends with. But one day she got into a fight at school with a 14-year-old girl named Amanda. And this is where the entire story begins. The two were put in detention together and made up quickly. It wasn’t long before they became best friends. But Shanda’s mom wasn’t too happy about this new friendship, as Shanda’s grades started slipping, and she started getting into more trouble at school. Soon the pair started to become romantically involved. Although this wasn’t made clear to Shanda’s mother at the time, she would soon find out.

    It All Started at a School Dance
    The events all started at a school dance that Shanda attended with her new girlfriend Amanda. Unfortunately, Amanda’s ex wasn’t too happy about the fact that she was dating someone else. Melinda Loveless was the name of her ex, who decided to pick a fight with Shanda that evening. Both Amanda and Melinda were a few years older than Shanda, and Melinda started to torment Shanda, saying she wanted to kill her. Amanda got between them and told Melinda to calm down, so the events didn’t escalate too badly that night. But it seemed that revenge was brewing in Melinda’s mind.

    It Turned Out to Be More Than Just Friendship
    One day, Shanda’s mom, Jackie, found love letters written between Amanda and Shanda. She was worried about how sexually explicit the content of the letters was. Especially because her little girl was only 11 years old. That’s quite a young age to become romantically involved. Jackie decided she wanted to send her daughter to another school to split the two girls up. Shanda was getting into trouble more and her mother didn’t like the direction the situation was going towards. Shanda was sent to a catholic school and started to enjoy it. Although the two girls were now at separate schools, they continued to send love letters to one another. But it seemed as if Shanda was less responsive now than she had been when they were at the same school.

    How Was Shanda Sharer Abducted?
    It was early evening on the 10th of June, 1992, when four girls rocked up outside of Shanda’s house. Their names were Melinda Loveless (Amanda’s ex), Hope Rippey, Laurie Tackett, and Toni Lawrence. These girls had a plan for Shanda, and it all began with Hope and Toni knocking on Shanda’s front door. When Shanda opened the door, she was told that Amanda wanted to talk to her and they would take her to her girlfriend. She said her dad and stepmom were still awake, but that they should come back later because she wanted to see Amanda. What she didn’t know, was that this was some kind of twisted revenge plot put together by Amanda’s ex, Melinda Loveless.

    Events at the Witches Castle
    The girls left and came back at 12:30 am in the dark of night as they were certain Shanda’s dad and stepmom would be asleep by then. Hope and Laurie marched up to the door to fetch Shanda, while Melinda and Toni stayed in the car. They hid under a blanket holding a knife. Just the sort of surprise that Shanda would not be expecting. When Shanda got into the car, Melinda popped out and threatened Shanda with the knife. They then took her to the Witch’s Castle in the woods. There they tied her hands and feet and threatened her with cutting all her hair off. They then made a fire, it’s not entirely clear why, but it can be assumed it was either for ambiance or to stave off the cold.

    Leaving the Witch’s Castle
    The girls were worried that the fire may have drawn attention to them, so they decided to leave the Witch’s Castle. They drove around aimlessly for a while, all unsure of what they were going to do next. Eventually, they ended up in the forest that was located behind Laurie’s house. This seemed like a quiet place for them to go about their evil deeds. Laurie and Melinda took Shanda into the woods while Toni and Hope remained in the car. The two girls proceeded to take off all of Shanda’s clothes, and they started beating her. Melinda even tried to cut Shanda’s throat, but it appeared that the knife was too blunt. It was then that Hope decided to join them in the woods. It seemed that she wanted to be a part of all the action.

    A Seeming End to the Torture
    Now that Hope had joined Laurie and Melinda in the woods, they had an extra set of hands to help them. Hope was holding Shanda down, while Laurie and Melinda took turns to stab Shanda. They then strangled young Shanda until they were sure she was unconscious before putting her body into the back of the car. It’s almost unbelievable that girls of this age would be capable of such a gruesome murder, but there’s a lot more to each of these girls than first meets the eye. Each of them had lived very difficult lives, not that anything aids as an excuse for the terrible events that unfolded that night.

    All About Melinda Loveless
    As you can imagine, Melinda Loveless didn’t come from a healthy, loving, and balanced home. Melinda’s father, Larry Loveless, was an army veteran from the Vietnam War. He had difficulty getting and holding down a job and spent all the money he did make on guns and motorcycles. Which is not a very responsible way for any father to behave. Larry was also an abusive drunk and was known to beat his wife in front of their children. He and Marjorie (Melinda’s mother) had an open relationship, and would often bring other couples home from the bar. They were a promiscuous couple, to say the least. Larry was also known for lending out his wife to his friends. Whether this was out of her own will or forced upon her is not known.

    More About the Life of Melinda Loveless
    Marjorie was beaten badly and often, sometimes even having to be hospitalized for her injuries. Because of this, she became increasingly depressed and tried to take her own life many times. Unfortunately, Larry didn’t keep his abusive behavior to only his wife, it seemed he was willing to abuse everyone and anyone he had any kind of power over. He was abusive toward his three young daughters too. Even going as far as molesting them. Melinda claimed that she shared a bed with her father until she was 14, which was when her parents finally got divorced and her father moved out of state. Leaving his family to live in peace for the very first time. But it’s easy to see how their tragic past could have tormented each of them a great deal.

    Melinda Loveless Continued to Have a Difficult Life
    As a young teenager, Melinda struggled badly with depression and she got into fights at school on a regular basis. This is not surprising considering the level of violence that she had to endure at home. Yet still, nobody could have ever predicted how far she would take her violence with Shanda. Melinda was having trouble at school because there was so much else going on in her life. She ended up being held back a year to repeat her grade. She was also very open about being gay, which was not very common for a young girl living in a small town in the ‘90s. Melinda was a mere 16 years old when she was involved with Shanda’s murder.

    Who Was Laurie Tackett?
    Mary Laurine “Laurie” Tackett was raised in a strict Christian household in Madison. Both her parents were abusive and child services had been to their house on numerous occasions. Laurie started to self-harm as a young teen, landing herself in hospital many times. Eventually, she was diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder after confessing that she’d had hallucinations ever since she was a child. After being released from the hospital, Laurie ran away from home and went to live with friends in Madison. That is where she met Melinda, and after becoming inseparable friends, she moved to New Albany with Melinda. Laurie was the oldest of the girls, being 17 when she assisted in the murder of Shanda Sharer.

    Who Was Hope Rippey?
    Hope also made friends with Laurie in Madison. Her parents (who were much more involved in her life than the rest of the girls), weren’t happy about the two spending time together as they could tell that Laurie was not a good influence. Their daughter was precious to them, and they didn’t want bad things to come her way simply because of the people she was hanging out with. But they had no idea just how bad things would get. Just like the other two girls, Hope was a self-harmer and identified as gay. She was also the only one in the group that was friends with Toni. The two had been very close friends from a young age. She was just 15 years old when she assisted in the murder of Shanda Sharer.

    Who Was Toni Lawrence?
    Toni was a little different from the rest as she was close friends with Hope, but didn’t know the other two very well. There were reports that stated that Toni was abused by a relative at the tender age of nine. She was also raped by a teenage boy at the age of 14, and there was no justice as the police simply asked the boy to stay away from her. Although Toni started going to counseling after being raped, she stopped going after a short while. This event seemed to be a turning point, changing her into a promiscuous young teenager who engaged in self-harm and even attempted to end her own life when she was only in eighth grade. When she was involved with Shanda Sharer’s murder she was just 15 years old.

    What Was the Original Plan?
    The girls were planning on attending a rock concert on the 10th of June, the night of Shanda’s murder. Toni had never even met Laurie and Melinda, but she was solemn friends with Hope so she was invited along for the ride. When Toni got into the car, Laurie asked Hope, “did you tell her yet?” Laurie responded with, “tell her what?” Laurie told Toni, “we’re going to kill a girl tonight!” Of course, Toni thought it was some sort of strange joke, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. Then they drove to New Albany to pick up Melinda. When Melinda came walking out of her house, she was carrying a very large kitchen knife. She got in the car excitedly and told the girls she wanted to give this Shanda girl a scare.

    The Three Girls Were Just Along for the Ride
    Out of all of the girls, Melinda was the only one who had ever met Shanda. So when Melinda said she wanted to give the young girl a scare, the others were just going along for the ride. It’s hard to imagine how it escalated so quickly with none of the girls attempting to stop the events of that evening. When the four arrived at Shanda’s house for the first time, Melinda was hiding on the floor of the car as she knew that Shanda would not get in the car if she knew Melinda was there. Shanda had never actually met Toni or Hope before, but she agreed to go along with them in the hopes of seeing her girlfriend Amanda. Unfortunately, the group had other plans for her.

    Toni Started to Have Her Suspicions
    When Shanda told the two girls to come back later, they hopped in the car and all headed to the rock concert they had been planning on attending that night. When it was over, they started to make their way back to Shanda’s house. It was then that Toni started to feel uncomfortable. At this point, Toni started to feel concerned over the events that were going to unfold. Melinda kept talking about how excited she was to kill Shanda, although she kept correcting herself, saying that she just wanted to scare the girl. Toni didn’t like this very much, and because of it, refused to go back to Shanda’s door to lure her to the car.

    An Awful Surprise for Shanda
    Shanda excitedly made her way toward the car as she looked forward to seeing her girlfriend. But when she was in the car, Melinda popped up and grabbed her hair, all while holding a knife to her throat. While Shanda begged Melinda not to hurt her, Melinda coldly said “shut up, b***h!” They then headed to the Witch’s Castle, where Laurie and Melinda started to tie her up. They kept telling her that the place was full of dead people to scare her as if their actions weren’t enough to terrify the young girl. Laurie then lit a t-shirt on fire and told Shanda that soon she would be the one burning. Although none of the girls were likely to believe this at the time, it would turn out to be true.

    What Happened Next?
    Next, the girls took Shanda to the woods. There Laurie and Melinda stabbed her multiple times and strangled her until she was unconscious. They then took her body and put it in the trunk of the car, telling the other girls that she was dead. This was something they probably believed to be true at the time. When they heard sounds coming from the trunk of the car, they realized she must still be alive. Laurie got out of the car and stabbed her a few more times until Shanda was completely silent. That was how poor 11-year-old Shanda was brutally tortured. It’s hard to even imagine the pain she must have endured that night.

    What Did the Girls Do After Committing Murder?
    Laurie and Melinda then dropped Hope and Toni off, before driving around with Shanda in the trunk of their car. Neither of them remember how long they were driving before they picked up Toni and Hope again. With events so gruesome, it’s not hard to believe that the entire night went by in a blur. Laurie and Melinda then wanted to show the other two girls what they had done to Shanda. Although Toni refused to look, Hope did. She then sprayed the body with Windex and said, “You’re not looking so hot now, are you?” What inspired this kind of treatment for a girl she had never even met before that night is incomprehensible.

    The Final Moments of Shanda’s Life
    The girls pulled up to a local gas station and Toni bought a bottle of Pepsi. That seemed to give Laurie an idea as she snatched the bottle, emptied it, and filled it with gasoline. They all hopped in the car and drove down a country lane surrounded by fields. Laurie and Hope hoisted the still barely alive Shanda out of the boot and dumped her body. When the body was in the middle of a field, Laurie poured gasoline on Shanda and set her alight. All four girls then went to McDonald’s. Toni, who never wanted to go along with the idea at all was absolutely hysterical - understandably. It had been a dramatic evening filled with incredibly dark activities. One’s that all the girls would come to regret.

    Melinda Decided to Contact Her Ex
    Melinda and Laurie decided it was time for Hope and Toni to go home. They dropped them off and then decided to call Melinda’s ex, Amanda. Melinda told Amanda about what they had done, but Amanda didn’t believe it. She agreed to meet up with Melinda anyway to find out what was going on. They picked Amanda up and took her to Melinda’s house, where Melinda broke down and told Amanda everything. Amanda couldn’t believe what she was being told, so Melinda showed her the trunk of the car which contained pools of blood, bloody handprints, long dark strands of hair, and one of Shanda’s socks.

    The Body Was Found Almost Instantly
    While the girls had been chowing down burgers at McDonald’s, two brothers had been out hunting quail in the same vicinity that the girls had dumped the body. They stumbled across Shanda’s burnt remains and immediately called the cops. What an unexpected and traumatic find during your early morning hunting session. What the cops realized is that the body wasn’t only horribly burnt and mutilated but it had been placed in a sexual position. This caused them to believe that the young girl had been molested before her death as well. Of course, in the morning Shanda’s dad noticed she was missing and immediately called the cops to report his missing daughter.

    Toni Stepped Forward
    The very next day, Toni walked into the police station with her dad to speak to a detective. She was in hysterics but told the cops absolutely everything about the murder that she never intended to be a part of. This would help her in the long run, but she got off far from scot-free. She told the cops that the girl’s name was Shanda and that she was either 12 or 13. She didn’t remember the times that all these events took place, but she could tell the cops exactly what happened in each location. Leading them through the story from picking Shanda up, going to the Witch’s Castle, heading to the woods behind Laurie’s house, going to the gas station, and then the open field where the cops had found a body that very morning.

    Arrests and Sentencing
    Although the girls were teenagers, they were all tried as adults. Because every single one of the girls admitted guilt, they managed to avoid the death penalty. Laurie and Melinda were given double life sentences, while Hope was sentenced to 35 years in prison. Toni however, got out with only a 20-year sentence. None of the girls served their full sentences, Toni and Hope even managed to get out after just a couple of years. They went on parole before being set free for good. Many of the girls went on to change their names, no longer wanting to be tied to their criminal past. But for Shanda, a night of gruesome torture at the hands of cruel teenagers would be her last day on earth. Do you think that justice was served for this horrific crime?
    Why Do Teens Kill? These Four Teenage Girls Committed a Brutal Murder Shanda Sharer was just your ordinary pre-teen, but her life was changed forever when she was brutally murdered by three older teenage girls. It’s hard to believe that young girls are capable of this type of behavior, but this case proves that they really are. It also shows that crowd mentality is very real. It’s hard to believe that any one of these girls wanted to go along with the plan, but somehow, the evening’s events transpired without any protest Not only did they murder Shanda Sharer, but they brutally tortured her before putting an end to her life. At the tender age of 11, Shanda Sharer didn’t even have a chance for her life to begin. Her life was unfairly taken from her, way too soon. How did all this happen? Keep reading to find out. About Shanda Sharer Shanda was a bubbly pre-teen with her whole life ahead of her. She was someone that everybody wanted to be friends with. But one day she got into a fight at school with a 14-year-old girl named Amanda. And this is where the entire story begins. The two were put in detention together and made up quickly. It wasn’t long before they became best friends. But Shanda’s mom wasn’t too happy about this new friendship, as Shanda’s grades started slipping, and she started getting into more trouble at school. Soon the pair started to become romantically involved. Although this wasn’t made clear to Shanda’s mother at the time, she would soon find out. It All Started at a School Dance The events all started at a school dance that Shanda attended with her new girlfriend Amanda. Unfortunately, Amanda’s ex wasn’t too happy about the fact that she was dating someone else. Melinda Loveless was the name of her ex, who decided to pick a fight with Shanda that evening. Both Amanda and Melinda were a few years older than Shanda, and Melinda started to torment Shanda, saying she wanted to kill her. Amanda got between them and told Melinda to calm down, so the events didn’t escalate too badly that night. But it seemed that revenge was brewing in Melinda’s mind. It Turned Out to Be More Than Just Friendship One day, Shanda’s mom, Jackie, found love letters written between Amanda and Shanda. She was worried about how sexually explicit the content of the letters was. Especially because her little girl was only 11 years old. That’s quite a young age to become romantically involved. Jackie decided she wanted to send her daughter to another school to split the two girls up. Shanda was getting into trouble more and her mother didn’t like the direction the situation was going towards. Shanda was sent to a catholic school and started to enjoy it. Although the two girls were now at separate schools, they continued to send love letters to one another. But it seemed as if Shanda was less responsive now than she had been when they were at the same school. How Was Shanda Sharer Abducted? It was early evening on the 10th of June, 1992, when four girls rocked up outside of Shanda’s house. Their names were Melinda Loveless (Amanda’s ex), Hope Rippey, Laurie Tackett, and Toni Lawrence. These girls had a plan for Shanda, and it all began with Hope and Toni knocking on Shanda’s front door. When Shanda opened the door, she was told that Amanda wanted to talk to her and they would take her to her girlfriend. She said her dad and stepmom were still awake, but that they should come back later because she wanted to see Amanda. What she didn’t know, was that this was some kind of twisted revenge plot put together by Amanda’s ex, Melinda Loveless. Events at the Witches Castle The girls left and came back at 12:30 am in the dark of night as they were certain Shanda’s dad and stepmom would be asleep by then. Hope and Laurie marched up to the door to fetch Shanda, while Melinda and Toni stayed in the car. They hid under a blanket holding a knife. Just the sort of surprise that Shanda would not be expecting. When Shanda got into the car, Melinda popped out and threatened Shanda with the knife. They then took her to the Witch’s Castle in the woods. There they tied her hands and feet and threatened her with cutting all her hair off. They then made a fire, it’s not entirely clear why, but it can be assumed it was either for ambiance or to stave off the cold. Leaving the Witch’s Castle The girls were worried that the fire may have drawn attention to them, so they decided to leave the Witch’s Castle. They drove around aimlessly for a while, all unsure of what they were going to do next. Eventually, they ended up in the forest that was located behind Laurie’s house. This seemed like a quiet place for them to go about their evil deeds. Laurie and Melinda took Shanda into the woods while Toni and Hope remained in the car. The two girls proceeded to take off all of Shanda’s clothes, and they started beating her. Melinda even tried to cut Shanda’s throat, but it appeared that the knife was too blunt. It was then that Hope decided to join them in the woods. It seemed that she wanted to be a part of all the action. A Seeming End to the Torture Now that Hope had joined Laurie and Melinda in the woods, they had an extra set of hands to help them. Hope was holding Shanda down, while Laurie and Melinda took turns to stab Shanda. They then strangled young Shanda until they were sure she was unconscious before putting her body into the back of the car. It’s almost unbelievable that girls of this age would be capable of such a gruesome murder, but there’s a lot more to each of these girls than first meets the eye. Each of them had lived very difficult lives, not that anything aids as an excuse for the terrible events that unfolded that night. All About Melinda Loveless As you can imagine, Melinda Loveless didn’t come from a healthy, loving, and balanced home. Melinda’s father, Larry Loveless, was an army veteran from the Vietnam War. He had difficulty getting and holding down a job and spent all the money he did make on guns and motorcycles. Which is not a very responsible way for any father to behave. Larry was also an abusive drunk and was known to beat his wife in front of their children. He and Marjorie (Melinda’s mother) had an open relationship, and would often bring other couples home from the bar. They were a promiscuous couple, to say the least. Larry was also known for lending out his wife to his friends. Whether this was out of her own will or forced upon her is not known. More About the Life of Melinda Loveless Marjorie was beaten badly and often, sometimes even having to be hospitalized for her injuries. Because of this, she became increasingly depressed and tried to take her own life many times. Unfortunately, Larry didn’t keep his abusive behavior to only his wife, it seemed he was willing to abuse everyone and anyone he had any kind of power over. He was abusive toward his three young daughters too. Even going as far as molesting them. Melinda claimed that she shared a bed with her father until she was 14, which was when her parents finally got divorced and her father moved out of state. Leaving his family to live in peace for the very first time. But it’s easy to see how their tragic past could have tormented each of them a great deal. Melinda Loveless Continued to Have a Difficult Life As a young teenager, Melinda struggled badly with depression and she got into fights at school on a regular basis. This is not surprising considering the level of violence that she had to endure at home. Yet still, nobody could have ever predicted how far she would take her violence with Shanda. Melinda was having trouble at school because there was so much else going on in her life. She ended up being held back a year to repeat her grade. She was also very open about being gay, which was not very common for a young girl living in a small town in the ‘90s. Melinda was a mere 16 years old when she was involved with Shanda’s murder. Who Was Laurie Tackett? Mary Laurine “Laurie” Tackett was raised in a strict Christian household in Madison. Both her parents were abusive and child services had been to their house on numerous occasions. Laurie started to self-harm as a young teen, landing herself in hospital many times. Eventually, she was diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder after confessing that she’d had hallucinations ever since she was a child. After being released from the hospital, Laurie ran away from home and went to live with friends in Madison. That is where she met Melinda, and after becoming inseparable friends, she moved to New Albany with Melinda. Laurie was the oldest of the girls, being 17 when she assisted in the murder of Shanda Sharer. Who Was Hope Rippey? Hope also made friends with Laurie in Madison. Her parents (who were much more involved in her life than the rest of the girls), weren’t happy about the two spending time together as they could tell that Laurie was not a good influence. Their daughter was precious to them, and they didn’t want bad things to come her way simply because of the people she was hanging out with. But they had no idea just how bad things would get. Just like the other two girls, Hope was a self-harmer and identified as gay. She was also the only one in the group that was friends with Toni. The two had been very close friends from a young age. She was just 15 years old when she assisted in the murder of Shanda Sharer. Who Was Toni Lawrence? Toni was a little different from the rest as she was close friends with Hope, but didn’t know the other two very well. There were reports that stated that Toni was abused by a relative at the tender age of nine. She was also raped by a teenage boy at the age of 14, and there was no justice as the police simply asked the boy to stay away from her. Although Toni started going to counseling after being raped, she stopped going after a short while. This event seemed to be a turning point, changing her into a promiscuous young teenager who engaged in self-harm and even attempted to end her own life when she was only in eighth grade. When she was involved with Shanda Sharer’s murder she was just 15 years old. What Was the Original Plan? The girls were planning on attending a rock concert on the 10th of June, the night of Shanda’s murder. Toni had never even met Laurie and Melinda, but she was solemn friends with Hope so she was invited along for the ride. When Toni got into the car, Laurie asked Hope, “did you tell her yet?” Laurie responded with, “tell her what?” Laurie told Toni, “we’re going to kill a girl tonight!” Of course, Toni thought it was some sort of strange joke, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. Then they drove to New Albany to pick up Melinda. When Melinda came walking out of her house, she was carrying a very large kitchen knife. She got in the car excitedly and told the girls she wanted to give this Shanda girl a scare. The Three Girls Were Just Along for the Ride Out of all of the girls, Melinda was the only one who had ever met Shanda. So when Melinda said she wanted to give the young girl a scare, the others were just going along for the ride. It’s hard to imagine how it escalated so quickly with none of the girls attempting to stop the events of that evening. When the four arrived at Shanda’s house for the first time, Melinda was hiding on the floor of the car as she knew that Shanda would not get in the car if she knew Melinda was there. Shanda had never actually met Toni or Hope before, but she agreed to go along with them in the hopes of seeing her girlfriend Amanda. Unfortunately, the group had other plans for her. Toni Started to Have Her Suspicions When Shanda told the two girls to come back later, they hopped in the car and all headed to the rock concert they had been planning on attending that night. When it was over, they started to make their way back to Shanda’s house. It was then that Toni started to feel uncomfortable. At this point, Toni started to feel concerned over the events that were going to unfold. Melinda kept talking about how excited she was to kill Shanda, although she kept correcting herself, saying that she just wanted to scare the girl. Toni didn’t like this very much, and because of it, refused to go back to Shanda’s door to lure her to the car. An Awful Surprise for Shanda Shanda excitedly made her way toward the car as she looked forward to seeing her girlfriend. But when she was in the car, Melinda popped up and grabbed her hair, all while holding a knife to her throat. While Shanda begged Melinda not to hurt her, Melinda coldly said “shut up, b***h!” They then headed to the Witch’s Castle, where Laurie and Melinda started to tie her up. They kept telling her that the place was full of dead people to scare her as if their actions weren’t enough to terrify the young girl. Laurie then lit a t-shirt on fire and told Shanda that soon she would be the one burning. Although none of the girls were likely to believe this at the time, it would turn out to be true. What Happened Next? Next, the girls took Shanda to the woods. There Laurie and Melinda stabbed her multiple times and strangled her until she was unconscious. They then took her body and put it in the trunk of the car, telling the other girls that she was dead. This was something they probably believed to be true at the time. When they heard sounds coming from the trunk of the car, they realized she must still be alive. Laurie got out of the car and stabbed her a few more times until Shanda was completely silent. That was how poor 11-year-old Shanda was brutally tortured. It’s hard to even imagine the pain she must have endured that night. What Did the Girls Do After Committing Murder? Laurie and Melinda then dropped Hope and Toni off, before driving around with Shanda in the trunk of their car. Neither of them remember how long they were driving before they picked up Toni and Hope again. With events so gruesome, it’s not hard to believe that the entire night went by in a blur. Laurie and Melinda then wanted to show the other two girls what they had done to Shanda. Although Toni refused to look, Hope did. She then sprayed the body with Windex and said, “You’re not looking so hot now, are you?” What inspired this kind of treatment for a girl she had never even met before that night is incomprehensible. The Final Moments of Shanda’s Life The girls pulled up to a local gas station and Toni bought a bottle of Pepsi. That seemed to give Laurie an idea as she snatched the bottle, emptied it, and filled it with gasoline. They all hopped in the car and drove down a country lane surrounded by fields. Laurie and Hope hoisted the still barely alive Shanda out of the boot and dumped her body. When the body was in the middle of a field, Laurie poured gasoline on Shanda and set her alight. All four girls then went to McDonald’s. Toni, who never wanted to go along with the idea at all was absolutely hysterical - understandably. It had been a dramatic evening filled with incredibly dark activities. One’s that all the girls would come to regret. Melinda Decided to Contact Her Ex Melinda and Laurie decided it was time for Hope and Toni to go home. They dropped them off and then decided to call Melinda’s ex, Amanda. Melinda told Amanda about what they had done, but Amanda didn’t believe it. She agreed to meet up with Melinda anyway to find out what was going on. They picked Amanda up and took her to Melinda’s house, where Melinda broke down and told Amanda everything. Amanda couldn’t believe what she was being told, so Melinda showed her the trunk of the car which contained pools of blood, bloody handprints, long dark strands of hair, and one of Shanda’s socks. The Body Was Found Almost Instantly While the girls had been chowing down burgers at McDonald’s, two brothers had been out hunting quail in the same vicinity that the girls had dumped the body. They stumbled across Shanda’s burnt remains and immediately called the cops. What an unexpected and traumatic find during your early morning hunting session. What the cops realized is that the body wasn’t only horribly burnt and mutilated but it had been placed in a sexual position. This caused them to believe that the young girl had been molested before her death as well. Of course, in the morning Shanda’s dad noticed she was missing and immediately called the cops to report his missing daughter. Toni Stepped Forward The very next day, Toni walked into the police station with her dad to speak to a detective. She was in hysterics but told the cops absolutely everything about the murder that she never intended to be a part of. This would help her in the long run, but she got off far from scot-free. She told the cops that the girl’s name was Shanda and that she was either 12 or 13. She didn’t remember the times that all these events took place, but she could tell the cops exactly what happened in each location. Leading them through the story from picking Shanda up, going to the Witch’s Castle, heading to the woods behind Laurie’s house, going to the gas station, and then the open field where the cops had found a body that very morning. Arrests and Sentencing Although the girls were teenagers, they were all tried as adults. Because every single one of the girls admitted guilt, they managed to avoid the death penalty. Laurie and Melinda were given double life sentences, while Hope was sentenced to 35 years in prison. Toni however, got out with only a 20-year sentence. None of the girls served their full sentences, Toni and Hope even managed to get out after just a couple of years. They went on parole before being set free for good. Many of the girls went on to change their names, no longer wanting to be tied to their criminal past. But for Shanda, a night of gruesome torture at the hands of cruel teenagers would be her last day on earth. Do you think that justice was served for this horrific crime? #TrueCrime #Murder #Death #Crime
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 4979 Views
  • Killer whales sometimes hunt moose.
    There’s a reason orcas are better known as killer whales. They’re fierce predators, and they don’t always keep to the water in search of prey — in fact, they’ve even been known to hunt moose. This happens when a member of the largest deer species (yes, moose are deer) wades into the water, either in search of food or to elude land-based predators, and finds itself in the unfortunate position of being near an orca, which will eat pretty much anything. Such occurrences have been known to happen in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, with one recorded incident resulting in the deaths of two moose.

    Orcas are thought to have received their nickname centuries ago, perhaps from a mistranslation. The theory posits that Basque fisherman observed them killing other whales and referred to them as “whale killers,” which became “killer whales” when translated to English. Their diet depends largely on where they live, but different ecotypes feed on everything from fish and seals to sharks and squid, with the occasional moose thrown in.

    No one knows why orcas keep attacking yachts.

    If you’ve read about killer whales in the last few years, it’s probably because they keep sinking yachts. There have been incidents in Cape Finisterre as well as the Strait of Gibraltar, with at least 500 orcas encountering boats since 2020. (Most of these go no further than the whales merely approaching the vessels, perhaps out of curiosity, but a number of them have resulted in sunken boats.) Scientists remain unsure about the whales’ motivations. Some think they’re merely having fun or even participating in a fad, which is apparently something killer whales do — for instance, one pod spent the summer of 1987 wearing dead salmon on their heads. Others believe it’s because they’ve had negative experiences with boats in the past, including losing members of their species to the vessels. Whatever the case, the creatures don’t seem to have personal beef with the humans onboard; there have been zero recorded cases of an orca killing a human in the wild.
    #Animals #KillerWhales
    Killer whales sometimes hunt moose. There’s a reason orcas are better known as killer whales. They’re fierce predators, and they don’t always keep to the water in search of prey — in fact, they’ve even been known to hunt moose. This happens when a member of the largest deer species (yes, moose are deer) wades into the water, either in search of food or to elude land-based predators, and finds itself in the unfortunate position of being near an orca, which will eat pretty much anything. Such occurrences have been known to happen in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, with one recorded incident resulting in the deaths of two moose. Orcas are thought to have received their nickname centuries ago, perhaps from a mistranslation. The theory posits that Basque fisherman observed them killing other whales and referred to them as “whale killers,” which became “killer whales” when translated to English. Their diet depends largely on where they live, but different ecotypes feed on everything from fish and seals to sharks and squid, with the occasional moose thrown in. No one knows why orcas keep attacking yachts. If you’ve read about killer whales in the last few years, it’s probably because they keep sinking yachts. There have been incidents in Cape Finisterre as well as the Strait of Gibraltar, with at least 500 orcas encountering boats since 2020. (Most of these go no further than the whales merely approaching the vessels, perhaps out of curiosity, but a number of them have resulted in sunken boats.) Scientists remain unsure about the whales’ motivations. Some think they’re merely having fun or even participating in a fad, which is apparently something killer whales do — for instance, one pod spent the summer of 1987 wearing dead salmon on their heads. Others believe it’s because they’ve had negative experiences with boats in the past, including losing members of their species to the vessels. Whatever the case, the creatures don’t seem to have personal beef with the humans onboard; there have been zero recorded cases of an orca killing a human in the wild. #Animals #KillerWhales
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 6269 Views
  • The gift that kept Marshall’s legend alive.

    The following is a story how the Barking Dog Alarm was utilized.

    Jake felt more than sad when Marshall passed away. He felt worried.

    Marshall was Jake's loyal German Shepherd. For twelve years, he guarded Jake's sporting goods store from would-be thieves and neighborhood troublemakers. Even as the neighborhood got a little more unsafe, Marshall kept the peace.

    Jake's store was the only one on the block without any graffiti. Nobody, it seemed, wanted a run in with a big, angry guard dog.

    Few people knew that Marshall was really a sweetheart, lavishing Jake with kisses every time he'd open the store in the morning.

    Jake's daughter, Melissa, kept the store's books, and paid a visit to her father every Thursday. She knew the old man couldn't afford to install a state of the art security system. But she also knew that he was a little too fragile to try and train another big dog.

    She brought her father a gift on her next visit. "This," she announced proudly, "will keep Marshall's legend alive in the neighborhood."

    She explained to Jake that the Barking Dog Alarm used infrared sensors to watch the store at night, just like Marshall did. When intruders showed up at either the front or the back doors, the Alarm would bark. And it would bark louder and louder until the disturbance went away.

    That Saturday night, two teenage boys strolled up the sidewalk. The midnight streetlight stretched their shadows halfway up the block. They banged and pulled on security gates as they talked about the trouble they could cause.

    "Didn't old man Benson's dog just die?" asked the tall one.

    "I think I heard Billy say something like that," replied the short one, "I could sure use some new sneakers!"

    They hustled up to the front window, but before they could even try to break in, they heard loud barking from inside the store. And it was getting louder.

    "Yo, I thought you said that dog was dead," cried the short hooligan.

    "He must have got a new one," said his partner in crime, "I ain't messin' with no dog!"

    The two juveniles hustled away around the corner as fast as their legs could carry them.

    Marshall's legacy remains intact. He's still a presence in Benson's Sporting Goods, with a picture above the cash register - and the loud bark from the Barking Dog Alarm.

    Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security,

    PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you.

    PPS: Every business owner knows he needs security. From employees who steal from him, customers who shoplift and thieves who break in. Protect yourself with our Surveillance Systems and Hidden Cameras.
    The gift that kept Marshall’s legend alive. The following is a story how the Barking Dog Alarm was utilized. Jake felt more than sad when Marshall passed away. He felt worried. Marshall was Jake's loyal German Shepherd. For twelve years, he guarded Jake's sporting goods store from would-be thieves and neighborhood troublemakers. Even as the neighborhood got a little more unsafe, Marshall kept the peace. Jake's store was the only one on the block without any graffiti. Nobody, it seemed, wanted a run in with a big, angry guard dog. Few people knew that Marshall was really a sweetheart, lavishing Jake with kisses every time he'd open the store in the morning. Jake's daughter, Melissa, kept the store's books, and paid a visit to her father every Thursday. She knew the old man couldn't afford to install a state of the art security system. But she also knew that he was a little too fragile to try and train another big dog. She brought her father a gift on her next visit. "This," she announced proudly, "will keep Marshall's legend alive in the neighborhood." She explained to Jake that the Barking Dog Alarm used infrared sensors to watch the store at night, just like Marshall did. When intruders showed up at either the front or the back doors, the Alarm would bark. And it would bark louder and louder until the disturbance went away. That Saturday night, two teenage boys strolled up the sidewalk. The midnight streetlight stretched their shadows halfway up the block. They banged and pulled on security gates as they talked about the trouble they could cause. "Didn't old man Benson's dog just die?" asked the tall one. "I think I heard Billy say something like that," replied the short one, "I could sure use some new sneakers!" They hustled up to the front window, but before they could even try to break in, they heard loud barking from inside the store. And it was getting louder. "Yo, I thought you said that dog was dead," cried the short hooligan. "He must have got a new one," said his partner in crime, "I ain't messin' with no dog!" The two juveniles hustled away around the corner as fast as their legs could carry them. Marshall's legacy remains intact. He's still a presence in Benson's Sporting Goods, with a picture above the cash register - and the loud bark from the Barking Dog Alarm. Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security, https://armyourself.us PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you. PPS: Every business owner knows he needs security. From employees who steal from him, customers who shoplift and thieves who break in. Protect yourself with our Surveillance Systems and Hidden Cameras.
    Arm Yourself
    Welcome To Arm Yourself, Your Safety Is My Concern.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 9683 Views
  • The gift that can keep your loved ones safe.

    The following is a story how the Mace Pepper Spray Jogger Model was utilized.

    Bill always worried about his daughter, Josie. She always had that independent streak growing up. The past Thanksgiving, she announced to the family that she would be moving to the big city to work on her acting career.

    When Josie's sister wondered aloud if Josie would keep up her workout routine, Josie assured everyone that she'd still get her three mile walk in every day by strolling through the park. It didn't take long for sparks to fly across the dinner table.

    Bill resolved that he'd support his daughter, no matter what. So at Christmas time, a few days before Josie planned to leave town, he picked up an extra gift.

    "Josie," he said, when he sat her down at the next family gathering, "I'm sorry if it sounded like I wasn't behind you all the way the last time we all were together."

    "I know, Dad," said Josie, "the city's a lot different than this town, and you just want me to be safe."

    "That's right," Bill replied, "so when I heard about these, I thought they might help both of us feel a little better about your move."

    He explained how the Pepper Spray Jogger Mace is ideal for sports and outdoor activities such as running or hiking. It's easy to carry it on your keychain, fasten it with the belt clip or have it in hand with the Velcro-like strap.

    Bill explained to her "Let's say you run into someone who wants to hurt you. Just press this button right here to blast them with pepper spray. They won't be able to do much of anything for a while, so you can run and get help."

    "I know you want to keep the same kind of independence you're used to out here in the country," Bill paused, placing a hand on Josie's knee. "This lets you stay in control, and it'll keep me and your sister from worrying about you on those walks."

    Josie hugged her dad, and settled in for a warm celebration with the rest of her family. This time, everyone knew she could handle living on her own in the big city.

    Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security,

    PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you.
    The gift that can keep your loved ones safe. The following is a story how the Mace Pepper Spray Jogger Model was utilized. Bill always worried about his daughter, Josie. She always had that independent streak growing up. The past Thanksgiving, she announced to the family that she would be moving to the big city to work on her acting career. When Josie's sister wondered aloud if Josie would keep up her workout routine, Josie assured everyone that she'd still get her three mile walk in every day by strolling through the park. It didn't take long for sparks to fly across the dinner table. Bill resolved that he'd support his daughter, no matter what. So at Christmas time, a few days before Josie planned to leave town, he picked up an extra gift. "Josie," he said, when he sat her down at the next family gathering, "I'm sorry if it sounded like I wasn't behind you all the way the last time we all were together." "I know, Dad," said Josie, "the city's a lot different than this town, and you just want me to be safe." "That's right," Bill replied, "so when I heard about these, I thought they might help both of us feel a little better about your move." He explained how the Pepper Spray Jogger Mace is ideal for sports and outdoor activities such as running or hiking. It's easy to carry it on your keychain, fasten it with the belt clip or have it in hand with the Velcro-like strap. Bill explained to her "Let's say you run into someone who wants to hurt you. Just press this button right here to blast them with pepper spray. They won't be able to do much of anything for a while, so you can run and get help." "I know you want to keep the same kind of independence you're used to out here in the country," Bill paused, placing a hand on Josie's knee. "This lets you stay in control, and it'll keep me and your sister from worrying about you on those walks." Josie hugged her dad, and settled in for a warm celebration with the rest of her family. This time, everyone knew she could handle living on her own in the big city. Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security, PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you. https://armyourself.us
    Arm Yourself
    Welcome To Arm Yourself, Your Safety Is My Concern.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 10106 Views
  • The Emergency Canister of Pepper Spray

    Nina had just accepted a big promotion, which meant a bigger paycheck, but a longer commute. Luckily, she lived in the city and commuted out to the suburbs, so she didn't get stuck in the crazy traffic that some of her friends had to endure every day.

    One morning, she woke up extra early to get ready for an important staff meeting. Scooting down a side road at over seventy miles per hour, she noticed flashing lights in her rear view mirror.

    "Ugh," she grunted. "One week into this job and I'm already getting a ticket."

    Still too early for many of the gas stations to be open, she pulled into a lighted space on the side of the road. Under the lights, she noticed the police car was unmarked. A trooper got out of the vehicle and paced toward her.

    She rolled down the window a little bit as he approached.

    "Good morning, ma'am," he said. "Do you know how fast you were going through that thirty five mile an hour zone?"

    Kim rolled her eyes and said, "I'm sorry, officer, but I don't know. How fast do you believe I was going?"

    "Let's not worry about what I think, just yet," he said. "I'll need you to step out of the car, please, ma'am."

    Kim thought it was strange that he hadn't asked for her license or registration. And when she took a longer look at him, now that her eyes were adjusting to the light, she noticed he wasn't wearing a uniform.

    "Officer, could I just see your identification clearly, please?" she asked.

    "Ma'am, I order you to get out of this car RIGHT NOW," he demanded.

    Kim observed that he looked far too unkempt to be a real police officer. At the same moment, the man tried to reach in through Kim's car window. She reached up for her visor and pulled out her emergency can of pepper spray.

    Aiming right through the crack in the window, she nailed her attacker right in the eyes. As he stumbled into the road, she started up her car and sped up the highway. She found an open gas station a few miles up the road, where she called police.

    They found her attacker stumbling through the woods not far from where Kim left him. It turns out he had been preying on women in the early morning hours for months, but hadn't been caught.

    Kim not only saved herself, she helped put a dangerous man behind bars.

    Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security,

    PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you.
    The Emergency Canister of Pepper Spray Nina had just accepted a big promotion, which meant a bigger paycheck, but a longer commute. Luckily, she lived in the city and commuted out to the suburbs, so she didn't get stuck in the crazy traffic that some of her friends had to endure every day. One morning, she woke up extra early to get ready for an important staff meeting. Scooting down a side road at over seventy miles per hour, she noticed flashing lights in her rear view mirror. "Ugh," she grunted. "One week into this job and I'm already getting a ticket." Still too early for many of the gas stations to be open, she pulled into a lighted space on the side of the road. Under the lights, she noticed the police car was unmarked. A trooper got out of the vehicle and paced toward her. She rolled down the window a little bit as he approached. "Good morning, ma'am," he said. "Do you know how fast you were going through that thirty five mile an hour zone?" Kim rolled her eyes and said, "I'm sorry, officer, but I don't know. How fast do you believe I was going?" "Let's not worry about what I think, just yet," he said. "I'll need you to step out of the car, please, ma'am." Kim thought it was strange that he hadn't asked for her license or registration. And when she took a longer look at him, now that her eyes were adjusting to the light, she noticed he wasn't wearing a uniform. "Officer, could I just see your identification clearly, please?" she asked. "Ma'am, I order you to get out of this car RIGHT NOW," he demanded. Kim observed that he looked far too unkempt to be a real police officer. At the same moment, the man tried to reach in through Kim's car window. She reached up for her visor and pulled out her emergency can of pepper spray. Aiming right through the crack in the window, she nailed her attacker right in the eyes. As he stumbled into the road, she started up her car and sped up the highway. She found an open gas station a few miles up the road, where she called police. They found her attacker stumbling through the woods not far from where Kim left him. It turns out he had been preying on women in the early morning hours for months, but hadn't been caught. Kim not only saved herself, she helped put a dangerous man behind bars. Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security, PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you. https://armyourself.us
    Arm Yourself
    Welcome To Arm Yourself, Your Safety Is My Concern.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 7134 Views
  • How Ninety Dollars Went Missing

    Ernie hated days like this.

    Earlier, a biker guy came in for a lighter. When Ernie grabbed the right one from the display next to the cash register, his entire inventory spilled all over the floor.

    Even after the customer helped Ernie clean up most of the mess, there were still lighters everywhere for the rest of the afternoon.

    Then, this little college girl came in to break a hundred by buying a pack of cigarettes. She kept changing her mind about which brand she wanted from the racks behind the counter. Ernie had to spin around so often he felt dizzy. He wondered if she even smoked, or if she was getting the pack for somebody else.

    Finally, just a few minutes before closing, a couple of punk rock kids came into the store and started hassling Ernie. He tolerated them because he was a little wild in his day, too. They knocked over a few displays before finally buying some cans of soda.

    With the doors locked, Ernie counted the day's receipts in the back office. A puzzled look crossed his face as he realized that ninety dollars was missing from the till. He knew he couldn't have made such a glaring mistake, so he decided to check his eye in the sky.

    Ernie's nephew had installed it a few months ago. It's a….

    Security camera shaped like a smoke detector that looks straight down on the sales counter. Ernie liked it because customers didn't have to feel as if they had a camera trained on them the whole time.

    And all his nephew had to do was plug it in to an outlet hidden in the drop ceiling. Its wireless transmitter sent a clear signal to Ernie's video recorder in the back.

    He scanned through the tape until he saw the biker guy. Ernie watched the man help him pick up all those lighters, and the cash register drawer slowly drifted open. He must not have shut it all the way! But it didn't matter. Nobody had reached around to grab any cash.

    Ernie scanned some more, and found the punk rockers. They were troublemakers, and it looked as if they were messing with the charity jar. Not only did they not steal anything, the one with the safety pin in his eyebrow actually stuck a dollar in the jar when he thought nobody was looking.

    On the verge of giving up and accepting his huge mistake, something caught Ernie's eye. It was the cigarette girl. Ernie watched her lay a hundred dollar bill on the counter, and remembered how she begged him to take it. The camera had caught her switching the hundred-dollar bill on the counter for a ten- dollar bill while Ernie's back was turned. With its high resolution, the camera made it clear that the girl had conned Ernie.

    He picked up the phone to call his friend at the police department.

    Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security,

    PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you.
    How Ninety Dollars Went Missing Ernie hated days like this. Earlier, a biker guy came in for a lighter. When Ernie grabbed the right one from the display next to the cash register, his entire inventory spilled all over the floor. Even after the customer helped Ernie clean up most of the mess, there were still lighters everywhere for the rest of the afternoon. Then, this little college girl came in to break a hundred by buying a pack of cigarettes. She kept changing her mind about which brand she wanted from the racks behind the counter. Ernie had to spin around so often he felt dizzy. He wondered if she even smoked, or if she was getting the pack for somebody else. Finally, just a few minutes before closing, a couple of punk rock kids came into the store and started hassling Ernie. He tolerated them because he was a little wild in his day, too. They knocked over a few displays before finally buying some cans of soda. With the doors locked, Ernie counted the day's receipts in the back office. A puzzled look crossed his face as he realized that ninety dollars was missing from the till. He knew he couldn't have made such a glaring mistake, so he decided to check his eye in the sky. Ernie's nephew had installed it a few months ago. It's a…. Security camera shaped like a smoke detector that looks straight down on the sales counter. Ernie liked it because customers didn't have to feel as if they had a camera trained on them the whole time. And all his nephew had to do was plug it in to an outlet hidden in the drop ceiling. Its wireless transmitter sent a clear signal to Ernie's video recorder in the back. He scanned through the tape until he saw the biker guy. Ernie watched the man help him pick up all those lighters, and the cash register drawer slowly drifted open. He must not have shut it all the way! But it didn't matter. Nobody had reached around to grab any cash. Ernie scanned some more, and found the punk rockers. They were troublemakers, and it looked as if they were messing with the charity jar. Not only did they not steal anything, the one with the safety pin in his eyebrow actually stuck a dollar in the jar when he thought nobody was looking. On the verge of giving up and accepting his huge mistake, something caught Ernie's eye. It was the cigarette girl. Ernie watched her lay a hundred dollar bill on the counter, and remembered how she begged him to take it. The camera had caught her switching the hundred-dollar bill on the counter for a ten- dollar bill while Ernie's back was turned. With its high resolution, the camera made it clear that the girl had conned Ernie. He picked up the phone to call his friend at the police department. Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security, https://armyourself.us PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you.
    Arm Yourself
    Welcome To Arm Yourself, Your Safety Is My Concern.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 6842 Views
  • Being prepared for the unexpected

    Christy waited tables at a hip little bistro a few blocks from her apartment. Though she loved her neighborhood, she always prepared for the unexpected.

    One night, one of the diners got a little out of hand. She could put up with rude customers, and she could even tolerate patrons who had a little too much to drink.

    She and her boss agreed that anyone who tried to lay hands on her or on any of the wait staff would end up enjoying the rest of their meal "to go."

    So her boss ejected a customer who looked like a rumpled college professor after he tried to pinch Christy's bottom. The guy created a huge stink, but the customers applauded when he fell down the steps and landed on the sidewalk with a thud.

    Later that night, after Christy banked out and counted her tip money, she headed back down the street to her place. She thought she heard footsteps behind her, but saw nobody when she swung around.

    Another block away from the restaurant, she thought she heard a trash can rattle. Still, she couldn't see anyone in the shadows.

    Only a few steps away from her building's front door, Christy heard someone sneeze. She whipped around to see the drunken customer from earlier that night.

    He lunged at her, shouting, "I'll show you!"

    Instead of bolting for the door - she wouldn't have made it in time, anyway - she pulled out her keys. Instead of a usual keychain, Christy carries a Key Chain Pepper Spray. It's small enough to fit in a purse, and durable enough to inflict pain on an attacker.

    As the drunken patron grabbed for her hair, Christy ducked down and sprayed the attacker in the eyes. Wincing in pain, he buckled over and made another swipe at her. She retaliated by holding onto the spray and swinging her keys against his face.

    Christy's attacker crouched on the sidewalk while she dialed 9-1-1 on her cell phone.

    "Next time," Christy said, "stick to what's on the menu."

    Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security,

    PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you.
    Being prepared for the unexpected Christy waited tables at a hip little bistro a few blocks from her apartment. Though she loved her neighborhood, she always prepared for the unexpected. One night, one of the diners got a little out of hand. She could put up with rude customers, and she could even tolerate patrons who had a little too much to drink. She and her boss agreed that anyone who tried to lay hands on her or on any of the wait staff would end up enjoying the rest of their meal "to go." So her boss ejected a customer who looked like a rumpled college professor after he tried to pinch Christy's bottom. The guy created a huge stink, but the customers applauded when he fell down the steps and landed on the sidewalk with a thud. Later that night, after Christy banked out and counted her tip money, she headed back down the street to her place. She thought she heard footsteps behind her, but saw nobody when she swung around. Another block away from the restaurant, she thought she heard a trash can rattle. Still, she couldn't see anyone in the shadows. Only a few steps away from her building's front door, Christy heard someone sneeze. She whipped around to see the drunken customer from earlier that night. He lunged at her, shouting, "I'll show you!" Instead of bolting for the door - she wouldn't have made it in time, anyway - she pulled out her keys. Instead of a usual keychain, Christy carries a Key Chain Pepper Spray. It's small enough to fit in a purse, and durable enough to inflict pain on an attacker. As the drunken patron grabbed for her hair, Christy ducked down and sprayed the attacker in the eyes. Wincing in pain, he buckled over and made another swipe at her. She retaliated by holding onto the spray and swinging her keys against his face. Christy's attacker crouched on the sidewalk while she dialed 9-1-1 on her cell phone. "Next time," Christy said, "stick to what's on the menu." Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security, https://armyourself.us PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you.
    Arm Yourself
    Welcome To Arm Yourself, Your Safety Is My Concern.
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  • A Dolphin’s Quick Grace

    Last week my full attention was arrested by the words and music of the extraordinary Christmas carol, “Silent Night”. Right where I was standing in the road, it flooded me with humility and awe. I instantly shot back in time to every nativity scene I had experienced in my youth. What is this alchemy that I am captured by in every cell in my body in this longing for the pure experience of the Divine, in this moment, in this season, in this song, this achingly tender song, creating and resonating in the very air around me?

    I look up into the night sky.

    Midnight, blue stars pulsing, punctuating the vast cold distances from star to earth, a shifting constellation, the whole-wide-world whispering and chanting, whispering and chanting…..

    When Ande and I were dating, I used to say to her that I knew that I was in love with her because whenever I thought of her, I could “see” dolphins swimming in my solar plexus.

    She probably thought that I meant endorphins, but she looked at me a little strangely and humored me. For my part, I was used to people looking at me a little strangely. So I carried on.

    In time she has accepted the idea that the dolphins that swim in my solar plexus are but messengers to me (and to us) of the deeper waters that we all swim in, where our “wishes, fears and fantasies” plow an arc before us and lead us (though we protest that we are, after all, still in charge) to our better selves, to our magic, to our deeper reasoning—and to the labyrinth where all the mysteries prevail.

    But at five o’clock this morning, in the grey light of a rainy winter day, I started recounting to Ande all the pain I had experienced in the world in recent months and ended my lament on the word “riven” which to me in that context meant “ impaled, driven straight through by sword or knife”.

    The pain piercing me (that I had experienced through the lives and tribulations of so many people that I love) as well as in the world itself, with its traumas and agonies, so many lives interrupted, ended, so much loss—I was just ‘riven’.

    As I said the word riven to my now waking wife, she asked wisely,“And what do you want to say back to the world?”:

    I said something about the British Commandoes in World War II who were trained before battle to fully encounter the pain, fear, loss they felt with a simple but profound mechanism:“Breathe in all the negativity (fear, pain, loss), feel it fully and then release it all in your next breath (but not until it has been fully experienced on the in-breath).”

    That reply, however, seemed hopelessly superficial, trendy, banal.

    So we talked further about the two modalities of individual and collective action that are thought of as western world view on the one side (individualist), and Asian/Indigenous (collectivist) on the other. (Very broad brush strokes here). We discussed how these two ways of seeing the world bracket much of what prowls the streets of the world today looking for a place to claim as home.

    There is a concept in my spiritual path which rests on the same principle, a “nesting” of the supreme “I Am” which celebrates the pure subjective declaration of the Self (both large and small) a claiming of one’s spot in the Universe uniquely.

    “That” (in the ‘predicate” of the same sentence, I Am That) refers to the universal consciousness which pervades all things, the collective “I am” which infuses, and is infused by, the consciousness itself that creates, permeates and glues the whole vast fabric together.

    Each of us is BOTH a pulse and a constituent element of“I am” AND “That”! We are all both breathe in and breathe out, inhale AND exhale: BOTH a citizen of our own interior world and citizens of the wide world around us. Actions must of be taken, but first we must establish a center within ourselves and then within a context in the world.

    It has been said that the Universe is a “conscious entity” whose circumference is nowhere and whose epicenter is everywhere. Each “I Am” is a bud of “awareness” which collectively becomes “That”. The world is a summation of all the shards of light that we sing through the words of the lovely songs of Christmas, or the Sanskrit chants to Shiva, or the rituals of Chanukah, or the Native American incantatory drums, words and dance, or the Sufi mystical ecstasy, or the Shinto priest who answers the western scholar’s question about theology by saying, “I think we have no theology! I think we dance!”

    Winter Solstice on Mt. Hope Bay

    On this winter solstice evening
    the bay is riven
    By a thousand quick dolphins,
    perfect swimmers
    roiling its waters
    to a splendor of light:
    The Gifts of the Magi
    To our breath are given
    On this Night Divine
    To the heralding joy
    In abiding love
    We sing
    A Dolphin’s Quick Grace Last week my full attention was arrested by the words and music of the extraordinary Christmas carol, “Silent Night”. Right where I was standing in the road, it flooded me with humility and awe. I instantly shot back in time to every nativity scene I had experienced in my youth. What is this alchemy that I am captured by in every cell in my body in this longing for the pure experience of the Divine, in this moment, in this season, in this song, this achingly tender song, creating and resonating in the very air around me? I look up into the night sky. Midnight, blue stars pulsing, punctuating the vast cold distances from star to earth, a shifting constellation, the whole-wide-world whispering and chanting, whispering and chanting….. When Ande and I were dating, I used to say to her that I knew that I was in love with her because whenever I thought of her, I could “see” dolphins swimming in my solar plexus. She probably thought that I meant endorphins, but she looked at me a little strangely and humored me. For my part, I was used to people looking at me a little strangely. So I carried on. In time she has accepted the idea that the dolphins that swim in my solar plexus are but messengers to me (and to us) of the deeper waters that we all swim in, where our “wishes, fears and fantasies” plow an arc before us and lead us (though we protest that we are, after all, still in charge) to our better selves, to our magic, to our deeper reasoning—and to the labyrinth where all the mysteries prevail. But at five o’clock this morning, in the grey light of a rainy winter day, I started recounting to Ande all the pain I had experienced in the world in recent months and ended my lament on the word “riven” which to me in that context meant “ impaled, driven straight through by sword or knife”. The pain piercing me (that I had experienced through the lives and tribulations of so many people that I love) as well as in the world itself, with its traumas and agonies, so many lives interrupted, ended, so much loss—I was just ‘riven’. As I said the word riven to my now waking wife, she asked wisely,“And what do you want to say back to the world?”: I said something about the British Commandoes in World War II who were trained before battle to fully encounter the pain, fear, loss they felt with a simple but profound mechanism:“Breathe in all the negativity (fear, pain, loss), feel it fully and then release it all in your next breath (but not until it has been fully experienced on the in-breath).” That reply, however, seemed hopelessly superficial, trendy, banal. So we talked further about the two modalities of individual and collective action that are thought of as western world view on the one side (individualist), and Asian/Indigenous (collectivist) on the other. (Very broad brush strokes here). We discussed how these two ways of seeing the world bracket much of what prowls the streets of the world today looking for a place to claim as home. There is a concept in my spiritual path which rests on the same principle, a “nesting” of the supreme “I Am” which celebrates the pure subjective declaration of the Self (both large and small) a claiming of one’s spot in the Universe uniquely. “That” (in the ‘predicate” of the same sentence, I Am That) refers to the universal consciousness which pervades all things, the collective “I am” which infuses, and is infused by, the consciousness itself that creates, permeates and glues the whole vast fabric together. Each of us is BOTH a pulse and a constituent element of“I am” AND “That”! We are all both breathe in and breathe out, inhale AND exhale: BOTH a citizen of our own interior world and citizens of the wide world around us. Actions must of be taken, but first we must establish a center within ourselves and then within a context in the world. It has been said that the Universe is a “conscious entity” whose circumference is nowhere and whose epicenter is everywhere. Each “I Am” is a bud of “awareness” which collectively becomes “That”. The world is a summation of all the shards of light that we sing through the words of the lovely songs of Christmas, or the Sanskrit chants to Shiva, or the rituals of Chanukah, or the Native American incantatory drums, words and dance, or the Sufi mystical ecstasy, or the Shinto priest who answers the western scholar’s question about theology by saying, “I think we have no theology! I think we dance!” Winter Solstice on Mt. Hope Bay On this winter solstice evening the bay is riven By a thousand quick dolphins, perfect swimmers roiling its waters to a splendor of light: The Gifts of the Magi To our breath are given On this Night Divine To the heralding joy In abiding love We sing
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