• Subway Safety Map
    1. Subway Entrances
    Safety Tip: Enter the station at central and commonly used entrances.

    Risk: Avoid dimly lit and remote entrances to the train station especially at night.

    2. Booth and Turnstile
    Safety Tip: Swipe in with your card or tap your mobile device on turnstiles at booths that have attendants so they can assist you if necessary and act as a deterrence to criminals.

    Risk: Digging in your bag and wallet will make you appear distracted and vulnerable to opportunistic criminals.

    3. Transitory Areas
    Safety Tip: Use situational awareness and be mindful of people and objects in your environment and your surroundings.

    Risk: Steer clear of desolate tunnels, stairways, elevators, and other transitory areas that isolate you.

    4. Station Platform
    Safety Tip: Always stand in the middle of the platform with your body perpendicular to the platform so no one can come up from behind you.

    Risk: Never stand beyond the yellow line with your back facing the platform.

    5. Subway Car
    Safety Tip: Choose subway cars that have many people and the conductor which are normally the middle, first or last cars.

    Risk: Avoid empty cars and try not to sit or stand near the door as criminals use these areas to commit crimes and then make a quick getaway.
    Subway Safety Map 1. Subway Entrances Safety Tip: Enter the station at central and commonly used entrances. Risk: Avoid dimly lit and remote entrances to the train station especially at night. 2. Booth and Turnstile Safety Tip: Swipe in with your card or tap your mobile device on turnstiles at booths that have attendants so they can assist you if necessary and act as a deterrence to criminals. Risk: Digging in your bag and wallet will make you appear distracted and vulnerable to opportunistic criminals. 3. Transitory Areas Safety Tip: Use situational awareness and be mindful of people and objects in your environment and your surroundings. Risk: Steer clear of desolate tunnels, stairways, elevators, and other transitory areas that isolate you. 4. Station Platform Safety Tip: Always stand in the middle of the platform with your body perpendicular to the platform so no one can come up from behind you. Risk: Never stand beyond the yellow line with your back facing the platform. 5. Subway Car Safety Tip: Choose subway cars that have many people and the conductor which are normally the middle, first or last cars. Risk: Avoid empty cars and try not to sit or stand near the door as criminals use these areas to commit crimes and then make a quick getaway. #armyourself
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1281 Views
  • Park Safety Map for Joggers & Runners
    Use this park safety map to learn about the different areas of the park and their safety considerations.

    This is a general park safety map and all parks and outdoor environments may be different.

    Wooded Paths and Areas
    Wooded paths and dense areas of a park should generally be avoided if you're jogging because they possess natural seclusion and limited visibility.

    There is normally heavy tree cover, bushes and undergrowth, and winding trails which all lead to obscure sightlines and difficulty in using situational awareness and observing strangers from a distance.

    Due to their limited sunlight and rugged terrain, they are also often sparely populated which leads to less bystanders that can intervene if necessary.

    And the lack of lighting and quieter atmosphere provides cover for predators with bad intentions.

    Lastly, the uneven terrain and hidden roots or branches can be dangerous, making it harder to react quickly or change direction if you sense danger.

    Entrances and Exits
    Park entrances and exits can be dangerous for runners because they often involve transitioning through less populated isolated areas like parking lots or side streets.

    These "transition areas" are typically quieter, especially in the early morning or evening, making it easier for predators to stalk their victims. The lack of foot traffic and normal poor lighting also increases the risk of being targeted in these areas.

    Since people often let their guard down when arriving or leaving, runners may become more vulnerable in these areas. Staying alert, having your self-defense products ready, and avoiding lingering near entrances or exits can help reduce these risks.

    Waterfront or Lake Areas
    Waterfronts and lake areas can pose dangerous conditions for runners due to how desolate they can get and their natural terrain that's advantageous for predators.

    Running paths along lakes and waterways are often very desolate and contain few exit points since one whole side of the path is bordered by water. The other side is often bordered by dense woods or forest terrain which make running paths closed off with limited visibility.

    The variable terrain leading down from the normal ground to the water allows for favorable hiding spots for predators.

    The water's natural sounds and noises can also provide coverage for a predator.

    Well-Lit Roads & Paths
    Well-lit roads and paths are the best options for runners and joggers in parks at any hour of the day since they are normally the most populated and provide greater visibility even in darker settings.

    These well-lit areas are typically popular running routes and therefore discourage criminals from loitering in those areas. If something were to happen, there are normally bystanders or other runners in the area to call for help or personally intervene.

    Fields and Open Clearings
    Fields and open clearings are typically populated by families, children, and groups of adults, which make them great for running or jogging. The presence of recreational activities and gathering points increases the likelihood of bystanders and decreases the likelihood of violent crime.

    Open areas also provide a clear line of sight and greater visibility with less obstructions, which makes it easier to observe people from far away and evaluate their risk level.

    There's also more space to maneuver if someone were to present a risk, and you'd be provided with several different escape routes if necessary.

    Bridges and Tunnels
    Bridges and tunnels can be a potential area of concern for joggers due to their enclosed nature and limited visibility. A bridge or tunnel typically only has two ends and therefore only two escape routes if someone were to attack you.

    Bridges and tunnels also normally don't have much lighting or very poor lighting which hinders visibility. As mentioned earlier, the water's natural sounds provide coverage for a predator and added elements that can throw off a jogger.
    Park Safety Map for Joggers & Runners Use this park safety map to learn about the different areas of the park and their safety considerations. This is a general park safety map and all parks and outdoor environments may be different. Wooded Paths and Areas Wooded paths and dense areas of a park should generally be avoided if you're jogging because they possess natural seclusion and limited visibility. There is normally heavy tree cover, bushes and undergrowth, and winding trails which all lead to obscure sightlines and difficulty in using situational awareness and observing strangers from a distance. Due to their limited sunlight and rugged terrain, they are also often sparely populated which leads to less bystanders that can intervene if necessary. And the lack of lighting and quieter atmosphere provides cover for predators with bad intentions. Lastly, the uneven terrain and hidden roots or branches can be dangerous, making it harder to react quickly or change direction if you sense danger. Entrances and Exits Park entrances and exits can be dangerous for runners because they often involve transitioning through less populated isolated areas like parking lots or side streets. These "transition areas" are typically quieter, especially in the early morning or evening, making it easier for predators to stalk their victims. The lack of foot traffic and normal poor lighting also increases the risk of being targeted in these areas. Since people often let their guard down when arriving or leaving, runners may become more vulnerable in these areas. Staying alert, having your self-defense products ready, and avoiding lingering near entrances or exits can help reduce these risks. Waterfront or Lake Areas Waterfronts and lake areas can pose dangerous conditions for runners due to how desolate they can get and their natural terrain that's advantageous for predators. Running paths along lakes and waterways are often very desolate and contain few exit points since one whole side of the path is bordered by water. The other side is often bordered by dense woods or forest terrain which make running paths closed off with limited visibility. The variable terrain leading down from the normal ground to the water allows for favorable hiding spots for predators. The water's natural sounds and noises can also provide coverage for a predator. Well-Lit Roads & Paths Well-lit roads and paths are the best options for runners and joggers in parks at any hour of the day since they are normally the most populated and provide greater visibility even in darker settings. These well-lit areas are typically popular running routes and therefore discourage criminals from loitering in those areas. If something were to happen, there are normally bystanders or other runners in the area to call for help or personally intervene. Fields and Open Clearings Fields and open clearings are typically populated by families, children, and groups of adults, which make them great for running or jogging. The presence of recreational activities and gathering points increases the likelihood of bystanders and decreases the likelihood of violent crime. Open areas also provide a clear line of sight and greater visibility with less obstructions, which makes it easier to observe people from far away and evaluate their risk level. There's also more space to maneuver if someone were to present a risk, and you'd be provided with several different escape routes if necessary. Bridges and Tunnels Bridges and tunnels can be a potential area of concern for joggers due to their enclosed nature and limited visibility. A bridge or tunnel typically only has two ends and therefore only two escape routes if someone were to attack you. Bridges and tunnels also normally don't have much lighting or very poor lighting which hinders visibility. As mentioned earlier, the water's natural sounds provide coverage for a predator and added elements that can throw off a jogger. #armyourself
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3077 Views
  • WHEN should you be concerned?

    Unfortunately, most people aren’t concerned about their safety or the safety of their loved ones until it’s too late.

    After all… try watching CNN for any three consecutive days without being immersed in child abductions, home invasions, terrorist attacks, crime waves, disasters like the New Orleans and Jersey Shore floods. Every day, everybody gets the message: danger, danger, danger!

    We are THE PLACE for all your non-lethal self-defense products, surveillance systems and hidden cameras.

    When you click onto the link below to access the website you’ll find:

    EVERYTHING YOU NEED: The most comprehensive selection of non-lethal self-defense products, surveillance systems and hidden cameras on the Internet.

    SIMPLE SEARCH FEATURES: Easy to navigate tools and search field at the top of our website to help you make the best selection for your specific needs.

    SIMPLE CHECKOUT OUT: When you find what you want, just click on the ADD TO CART button. When you are ready to check out, click on the CHECKOUT button.

    90-Day REFUND GUARANTEE: Whatever you purchase, use it for a full 90 days. If for any reason you wish to return it, just ask and we will cheerfully refund your money.
    Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security,

    PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you.

    PPS: Every business owner knows he needs security. From employees who steal from him, customers who shoplift and thieves who break in. Protect yourself with our Surveillance Systems and Hidden Cameras.
    WHEN should you be concerned? Unfortunately, most people aren’t concerned about their safety or the safety of their loved ones until it’s too late. After all… try watching CNN for any three consecutive days without being immersed in child abductions, home invasions, terrorist attacks, crime waves, disasters like the New Orleans and Jersey Shore floods. Every day, everybody gets the message: danger, danger, danger! We are THE PLACE for all your non-lethal self-defense products, surveillance systems and hidden cameras. When you click onto the link below to access the website you’ll find: EVERYTHING YOU NEED: The most comprehensive selection of non-lethal self-defense products, surveillance systems and hidden cameras on the Internet. SIMPLE SEARCH FEATURES: Easy to navigate tools and search field at the top of our website to help you make the best selection for your specific needs. SIMPLE CHECKOUT OUT: When you find what you want, just click on the ADD TO CART button. When you are ready to check out, click on the CHECKOUT button. 90-Day REFUND GUARANTEE: Whatever you purchase, use it for a full 90 days. If for any reason you wish to return it, just ask and we will cheerfully refund your money. Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security, PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you. https://armyourself.us PPS: Every business owner knows he needs security. From employees who steal from him, customers who shoplift and thieves who break in. Protect yourself with our Surveillance Systems and Hidden Cameras. https://armyourself.us
    Arm Yourself
    Welcome To Arm Yourself, Your Safety Is My Concern.
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  • The gift that kept Marshall’s legend alive.

    The following is a story how the Barking Dog Alarm was utilized.

    Jake felt more than sad when Marshall passed away. He felt worried.

    Marshall was Jake's loyal German Shepherd. For twelve years, he guarded Jake's sporting goods store from would-be thieves and neighborhood troublemakers. Even as the neighborhood got a little more unsafe, Marshall kept the peace.

    Jake's store was the only one on the block without any graffiti. Nobody, it seemed, wanted a run in with a big, angry guard dog.

    Few people knew that Marshall was really a sweetheart, lavishing Jake with kisses every time he'd open the store in the morning.

    Jake's daughter, Melissa, kept the store's books, and paid a visit to her father every Thursday. She knew the old man couldn't afford to install a state of the art security system. But she also knew that he was a little too fragile to try and train another big dog.

    She brought her father a gift on her next visit. "This," she announced proudly, "will keep Marshall's legend alive in the neighborhood."

    She explained to Jake that the Barking Dog Alarm used infrared sensors to watch the store at night, just like Marshall did. When intruders showed up at either the front or the back doors, the Alarm would bark. And it would bark louder and louder until the disturbance went away.

    That Saturday night, two teenage boys strolled up the sidewalk. The midnight streetlight stretched their shadows halfway up the block. They banged and pulled on security gates as they talked about the trouble they could cause.

    "Didn't old man Benson's dog just die?" asked the tall one.

    "I think I heard Billy say something like that," replied the short one, "I could sure use some new sneakers!"

    They hustled up to the front window, but before they could even try to break in, they heard loud barking from inside the store. And it was getting louder.

    "Yo, I thought you said that dog was dead," cried the short hooligan.

    "He must have got a new one," said his partner in crime, "I ain't messin' with no dog!"

    The two juveniles hustled away around the corner as fast as their legs could carry them.

    Marshall's legacy remains intact. He's still a presence in Benson's Sporting Goods, with a picture above the cash register - and the loud bark from the Barking Dog Alarm.

    Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security,

    PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you.

    PPS: Every business owner knows he needs security. From employees who steal from him, customers who shoplift and thieves who break in. Protect yourself with our Surveillance Systems and Hidden Cameras.
    The gift that kept Marshall’s legend alive. The following is a story how the Barking Dog Alarm was utilized. Jake felt more than sad when Marshall passed away. He felt worried. Marshall was Jake's loyal German Shepherd. For twelve years, he guarded Jake's sporting goods store from would-be thieves and neighborhood troublemakers. Even as the neighborhood got a little more unsafe, Marshall kept the peace. Jake's store was the only one on the block without any graffiti. Nobody, it seemed, wanted a run in with a big, angry guard dog. Few people knew that Marshall was really a sweetheart, lavishing Jake with kisses every time he'd open the store in the morning. Jake's daughter, Melissa, kept the store's books, and paid a visit to her father every Thursday. She knew the old man couldn't afford to install a state of the art security system. But she also knew that he was a little too fragile to try and train another big dog. She brought her father a gift on her next visit. "This," she announced proudly, "will keep Marshall's legend alive in the neighborhood." She explained to Jake that the Barking Dog Alarm used infrared sensors to watch the store at night, just like Marshall did. When intruders showed up at either the front or the back doors, the Alarm would bark. And it would bark louder and louder until the disturbance went away. That Saturday night, two teenage boys strolled up the sidewalk. The midnight streetlight stretched their shadows halfway up the block. They banged and pulled on security gates as they talked about the trouble they could cause. "Didn't old man Benson's dog just die?" asked the tall one. "I think I heard Billy say something like that," replied the short one, "I could sure use some new sneakers!" They hustled up to the front window, but before they could even try to break in, they heard loud barking from inside the store. And it was getting louder. "Yo, I thought you said that dog was dead," cried the short hooligan. "He must have got a new one," said his partner in crime, "I ain't messin' with no dog!" The two juveniles hustled away around the corner as fast as their legs could carry them. Marshall's legacy remains intact. He's still a presence in Benson's Sporting Goods, with a picture above the cash register - and the loud bark from the Barking Dog Alarm. Dedicated to your Peace of Mind & Real Security, https://armyourself.us PS: Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to buy these products unfortunately after it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you. PPS: Every business owner knows he needs security. From employees who steal from him, customers who shoplift and thieves who break in. Protect yourself with our Surveillance Systems and Hidden Cameras.
    Arm Yourself
    Welcome To Arm Yourself, Your Safety Is My Concern.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8505 Views
  • Hello Peeps I'm just up Watching my Shows. Relaxing and just watching some of these Crime shows.. It is so crazy how people think it's right to take another person's life.. I fill sad for families that have to go through these things. As I know we have to go one day. But it shouldn't have to be like that.

    I never ever had the thought no matter how mad I was at someone that I wanted to take their life.

    I've always been a Person to want to build a friendship /Homie-ship hang out, give a helping hand and Bless others.

    The Hatred shouldn't be in the mix. No I'm not perfect been in some tough situations in my life. But all I did was pray day by day and ask God to protect me, guide me give me the strength to change my ways.

    He definitely answered my Prayers and blessed me with a sincere soul, full of positive energy and integrity. All I do is live my life day by day. Ask God for forgiveness and to continue to give me the strengths to help the next person and treat them how I would want to be treated.

    P.S Just Stay humble And Keep a good heart because this world can be cruel. Just don't let it take you down with it.
    Hello Peeps I'm just up Watching my Shows. Relaxing and just watching some of these Crime shows.. It is so crazy how people think it's right to take another person's life.. I fill sad for families that have to go through these things. As I know we have to go one day. But it shouldn't have to be like that. I never ever had the thought no matter how mad I was at someone that I wanted to take their life. I've always been a Person to want to build a friendship /Homie-ship hang out, give a helping hand and Bless others. The Hatred shouldn't be in the mix. No I'm not perfect been in some tough situations in my life. But all I did was pray day by day and ask God to protect me, guide me give me the strength to change my ways. He definitely answered my Prayers and blessed me with a sincere soul, full of positive energy and integrity. All I do is live my life day by day. Ask God for forgiveness and to continue to give me the strengths to help the next person and treat them how I would want to be treated. P.S Just Stay humble And Keep a good heart because this world can be cruel. Just don't let it take you down with it.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6206 Views
  • Bette Davis
    Ruth Elizabeth "Bette" Davis was an American actress of film, television, and theater. Regarded as one of the greatest actresses in Hollywood history, she was noted for her willingness to play unsympathetic, sardonic characters and was known for her performances in a range of film genres, from contemporary crime melodramas to historical and period.
    Born 4-5-1908, Lowell, Massachusetts, United States
    Died 10-6-1989, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
    Cause Of Death
    Metastasized breast cancer
    Net worth: $2 million
    Bette Davis Ruth Elizabeth "Bette" Davis was an American actress of film, television, and theater. Regarded as one of the greatest actresses in Hollywood history, she was noted for her willingness to play unsympathetic, sardonic characters and was known for her performances in a range of film genres, from contemporary crime melodramas to historical and period. Born 4-5-1908, Lowell, Massachusetts, United States Died 10-6-1989, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France Cause Of Death Metastasized breast cancer Net worth: $2 million
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3257 Views
  • Crime Is Everywhere.
    Don't Become Another Victim, Arm Yourself Today.
    Get All Your Non-Lethal Self Defense Products Here.
    Your Safety Is My Concern.
    Crime Is Everywhere. Don't Become Another Victim, Arm Yourself Today. Get All Your Non-Lethal Self Defense Products Here. Your Safety Is My Concern. https://armyourself.us/
    Arm Yourself
    Welcome To Arm Yourself, Your Safety Is My Concern.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3632 Views
  • Crime Is Everywhere.
    Don't Become Another Victim, Arm Yourself Today.
    Get All Your Non-Lethal Self Defense Products Here.
    Your Safety Is My Concern.
    Crime Is Everywhere. Don't Become Another Victim, Arm Yourself Today. Get All Your Non-Lethal Self Defense Products Here. Your Safety Is My Concern. https://armyourself.us/ #armyourself
    Arm Yourself
    Welcome To Arm Yourself, Your Safety Is My Concern.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 11452 Views
  • Protect yourself from the cyber scams.
    Know the recent style of fraud, types of scams and prevention measures.


    #CyberScams #cybercrime #CyberHunters #CyberSecurity #cybercrimeprevention #RajasthanNews #LatestNews #Kota #Hadoti
    Protect yourself from the cyber scams. Know the recent style of fraud, types of scams and prevention measures. https://informationsite.in/cyber-scams/ #InformationSite #CyberScams #cybercrime #CyberHunters #CyberSecurity #cybercrimeprevention #RajasthanNews #LatestNews #Kota #Hadoti
    0 Comments 0 Shares 14000 Views
  • 'They watched her die': Teen dies hours after arriving at juvenile detention center in front of employees who did nothing, lawsuit says.

    Elbert Shaw Regional Youth Detention Center in Dalton, Georgia . Alexis Marie Sluder.

    A 16-year-old runaway died after overdosing on methamphetamine in a youth detention center in Georgia hours after she was arrested, and authorities did nothing as they watched her convulse, writhe in pain and cry for help until it was too late, her family alleges in a lawsuit filed this week.

    Alexis Marie Sluder died in 2022 at the Elbert Shaw Regional Youth Detention Center in Dalton, according to the lawsuit filed on Tuesday in a federal court in Georgia. Dalton is about 90 miles north of Atlanta.

    “Instead of monitoring her health and safety, they watched her die,” said Sam Harton, the family’s lawyer, in a news conference . “No one even picked up the phone to call 911 until after Alexis stopped breathing.”

    Related Coverage:
    The lawsuit names five Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice employees as defendants, including an officer, a cadet, a sergeant, a nurse, and the facility’s director. It also names Augusta University, the medical and mental health services provider for juvenile detainees at the facility.

    In a statement , the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice said it “is committed to the well-being and safety of the individuals entrusted to our care. We remain deeply saddened by this tragic incident and continue to hold heartfelt thoughts and prayers for the family of the deceased.”

    A media representative for Augusta University did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    The events leading to Sluder’s death began after her arrest for possession of methamphetamine and shoplifting on Aug. 26, 2022, court documents said. She was issued a ticket and jailed before being transferred to Elbert, where she was booked at 9 p.m.

    Upon booking, Gilmer County Sgt. Sharon Ellis “failed to note that methamphetamine or any other foreign substance was found on Alexis Sluder’s person,” even though she had noted she saw a white substance on the police vehicle seat next to Sluder earlier, the lawsuit said.

    Notes in her medical screening indicated Sluder had “medical problems,” had previously been hospitalized, and was taking medication. Sluder had depression, bipolar anxiety, and schizophrenia, the lawsuit said.

    In her mental health screening, when asked why she was at the facility, Sluder said, “because I ran away.” She also said she had attempted suicide, had recently been sexually abused, had been hospitalized for an overdose the previous month and “sometimes sees shadow people that are not there,” court documents said. Her answers warranted four “Warning” and four “Caution” notations.

    Sluder’s answers about drug and alcohol use were “explicitly excluded from the ‘Warning’ and ‘Caution’ totals,” court documents said.

    Sluder told authorities that just before she was about to be arrested before arriving at the facility, she “ate the meth she had on her when the cops came and she realized she might be going to jail” and “she had taken other unknown items earlier in the day as she felt suicidal over the last 3 weeks and currently feels this way,” court documents said.

    Ellis declined to take her to the hospital, saying she wasn’t permitted to because she had already released her into the custody of the state of Georgia, “so she no longer had jurisdiction to transport Alexis Sluder,” court documents said.

    Instead, Sluder was placed in a room equipped with a live video feed where she could be constantly monitored.

    In her cell, Sluder began to suffer a medical emergency. She convulsed, writhed in pain, thrashed about, sweated profusely, and breathed heavily. The overdose symptoms lasted over four hours, court documents said.

    Despite an employee, Rebecka Phillips, being with Sluder the entire time, a second employee, Maveis Brooks, being with her intermittently, and Cadet Russell Ballard watching via the video feed from a control room, no one did anything, the lawsuit alleges.

    During the final two hours of the medical emergency, Sluder lay on the ground, nearly motionless. At one point, Sluder even reached out and grasped toward the ankle of Phillips, who stood over her, watched, and did nothing to help her, court documents said.

    At another point, Sluder turned to the camera and said, “Someone please help me. I took something,” the lawsuit alleges.

    The defendants talked about the girl’s condition but didn’t act, saying they did not have enough officers on staff to take her to a hospital without violating a policy, court documents said.

    “There is no policy set forth by the State of Georgia, the Department of Justice, and the Dalton RYDC preventing State employees from calling 9-1-1 or another emergency medical services to transport juveniles to the hospital in a medical emergency,” the lawsuit said. “Alexis Sluder was not suspected of a violent crime. Alexis Sluder was not arrested for a violent crime. There was no legitimate penological interest in keeping Alexis Sluder from going to the hospital.”

    At 3:12 a.m. on Aug. 27, 2022, Phillips advised over the radio that Sluder “was not breathing properly,” the lawsuit said.

    Brooks went to the cell, assessed Sluder and advised Ballard in the control room to call 911.

    “Soon after Sergeant Maveis Brooks advised Defendant Cadet Ballard to call 9-1-1, Alexis Sluder stopped breathing,” court documents said.

    The 911 call was made, and Brooks and Phillips began lifesaving measures, but Sluder was pronounced dead from methamphetamine toxicity at 4:26 a.m. on Aug. 27, 2022, court documents said.

    The five employees were terminated from their jobs stemming from the death. They were indicted on charges of cruelty to children a year later, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said in a statement . Their cases are pending.

    The parents have shared their pain over the death of their daughter, who once won an award for “Prettiest Smile,” enjoyed playing softball and was set to graduate from Gilmer High School this year. Instead, her school reserved a seat for her at the ceremony on May 24, where she graduated posthumously.

    “I didn’t get to watch her pick out her first car, go to the prom, or graduate this past year with her friends,” her mother, Melanie Hogan Sluder, said in a statement . “I am lost without her, and not a minute goes by that I don’t think about her and what she would be doing.”
    'They watched her die': Teen dies hours after arriving at juvenile detention center in front of employees who did nothing, lawsuit says. Elbert Shaw Regional Youth Detention Center in Dalton, Georgia . Alexis Marie Sluder. A 16-year-old runaway died after overdosing on methamphetamine in a youth detention center in Georgia hours after she was arrested, and authorities did nothing as they watched her convulse, writhe in pain and cry for help until it was too late, her family alleges in a lawsuit filed this week. Alexis Marie Sluder died in 2022 at the Elbert Shaw Regional Youth Detention Center in Dalton, according to the lawsuit filed on Tuesday in a federal court in Georgia. Dalton is about 90 miles north of Atlanta. “Instead of monitoring her health and safety, they watched her die,” said Sam Harton, the family’s lawyer, in a news conference . “No one even picked up the phone to call 911 until after Alexis stopped breathing.” Related Coverage: The lawsuit names five Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice employees as defendants, including an officer, a cadet, a sergeant, a nurse, and the facility’s director. It also names Augusta University, the medical and mental health services provider for juvenile detainees at the facility. In a statement , the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice said it “is committed to the well-being and safety of the individuals entrusted to our care. We remain deeply saddened by this tragic incident and continue to hold heartfelt thoughts and prayers for the family of the deceased.” A media representative for Augusta University did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The events leading to Sluder’s death began after her arrest for possession of methamphetamine and shoplifting on Aug. 26, 2022, court documents said. She was issued a ticket and jailed before being transferred to Elbert, where she was booked at 9 p.m. Upon booking, Gilmer County Sgt. Sharon Ellis “failed to note that methamphetamine or any other foreign substance was found on Alexis Sluder’s person,” even though she had noted she saw a white substance on the police vehicle seat next to Sluder earlier, the lawsuit said. Notes in her medical screening indicated Sluder had “medical problems,” had previously been hospitalized, and was taking medication. Sluder had depression, bipolar anxiety, and schizophrenia, the lawsuit said. In her mental health screening, when asked why she was at the facility, Sluder said, “because I ran away.” She also said she had attempted suicide, had recently been sexually abused, had been hospitalized for an overdose the previous month and “sometimes sees shadow people that are not there,” court documents said. Her answers warranted four “Warning” and four “Caution” notations. Sluder’s answers about drug and alcohol use were “explicitly excluded from the ‘Warning’ and ‘Caution’ totals,” court documents said. Sluder told authorities that just before she was about to be arrested before arriving at the facility, she “ate the meth she had on her when the cops came and she realized she might be going to jail” and “she had taken other unknown items earlier in the day as she felt suicidal over the last 3 weeks and currently feels this way,” court documents said. Ellis declined to take her to the hospital, saying she wasn’t permitted to because she had already released her into the custody of the state of Georgia, “so she no longer had jurisdiction to transport Alexis Sluder,” court documents said. Instead, Sluder was placed in a room equipped with a live video feed where she could be constantly monitored. In her cell, Sluder began to suffer a medical emergency. She convulsed, writhed in pain, thrashed about, sweated profusely, and breathed heavily. The overdose symptoms lasted over four hours, court documents said. Despite an employee, Rebecka Phillips, being with Sluder the entire time, a second employee, Maveis Brooks, being with her intermittently, and Cadet Russell Ballard watching via the video feed from a control room, no one did anything, the lawsuit alleges. During the final two hours of the medical emergency, Sluder lay on the ground, nearly motionless. At one point, Sluder even reached out and grasped toward the ankle of Phillips, who stood over her, watched, and did nothing to help her, court documents said. At another point, Sluder turned to the camera and said, “Someone please help me. I took something,” the lawsuit alleges. The defendants talked about the girl’s condition but didn’t act, saying they did not have enough officers on staff to take her to a hospital without violating a policy, court documents said. “There is no policy set forth by the State of Georgia, the Department of Justice, and the Dalton RYDC preventing State employees from calling 9-1-1 or another emergency medical services to transport juveniles to the hospital in a medical emergency,” the lawsuit said. “Alexis Sluder was not suspected of a violent crime. Alexis Sluder was not arrested for a violent crime. There was no legitimate penological interest in keeping Alexis Sluder from going to the hospital.” At 3:12 a.m. on Aug. 27, 2022, Phillips advised over the radio that Sluder “was not breathing properly,” the lawsuit said. Brooks went to the cell, assessed Sluder and advised Ballard in the control room to call 911. “Soon after Sergeant Maveis Brooks advised Defendant Cadet Ballard to call 9-1-1, Alexis Sluder stopped breathing,” court documents said. The 911 call was made, and Brooks and Phillips began lifesaving measures, but Sluder was pronounced dead from methamphetamine toxicity at 4:26 a.m. on Aug. 27, 2022, court documents said. The five employees were terminated from their jobs stemming from the death. They were indicted on charges of cruelty to children a year later, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said in a statement . Their cases are pending. The parents have shared their pain over the death of their daughter, who once won an award for “Prettiest Smile,” enjoyed playing softball and was set to graduate from Gilmer High School this year. Instead, her school reserved a seat for her at the ceremony on May 24, where she graduated posthumously. “I didn’t get to watch her pick out her first car, go to the prom, or graduate this past year with her friends,” her mother, Melanie Hogan Sluder, said in a statement . “I am lost without her, and not a minute goes by that I don’t think about her and what she would be doing.”
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