In my opinion, “Money" is a means of exchange of information, products, and services through the “buying habits” of many people on a “daily basis!”

I see this happening every single day, don’t you?

So, it is no longer an “issue” about “if and when” I am going to make my first “million;” (by the way, there are only 24 hours in a day to “accomplish” that); rather, it is about observing how “frequently” money is being exchanged through the “buying experiences” of people on a daily basis, for either the “information, the product or the service,” that I am providing!

This is EXACTLY, PRECISELY, and ACCURATELY, what the "free enterprise system" is all about!

The main reason why there is a money “issue” today, in my opinion, is because there is a “wrong understanding” of the subject, along with the former “programming and beliefs,” of what money does or can do for each and every one of us!

I honestly believe that the reason why there is a “money” issue in today’s society, is the fact that the money being “sought by individuals like you and I,” isn’t being “managed or circulated properly!”

It is either that or the products, services, or information that I am providing to the public in exchange for money, most certainly is “falling in the wrong places!”

For example, since I like to “picture” the free enterprise system, like a huge “pipeline” like that found in a basement, I think that it is about time that huge quantities of "liquid plum-r," gets poured, “consistently and persistently” into the “pipeline” in order to “unclog personal problems or issues,” so that information, products and services, flow “naturally”and reaches the people who really need it, thus making this great country of ours, the United States of America, the “free enterprise system” that it is!"