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- Companies must rethink their travel policies and infuse them with sustainability and flexibility to match their employees’ wishes and expectations for their post-pandemic working lives. https://esselte974.fr/the-rise-of-teleworking-and-teletravel/Companies must rethink their travel policies and infuse them with sustainability and flexibility to match their employees’ wishes and expectations for their post-pandemic working lives. https://esselte974.fr/the-rise-of-teleworking-and-teletravel/
- Companies must rethink their travel policies and infuse them with sustainability and flexibility to match their employees’ wishes and expectations for their post-pandemic working lives. https://esselte974.fr/the-rise-of-teleworking-and-teletravel/Companies must rethink their travel policies and infuse them with sustainability and flexibility to match their employees’ wishes and expectations for their post-pandemic working lives. https://esselte974.fr/the-rise-of-teleworking-and-teletravel/
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- Tomorrow is supposed to be a day off from running, but I may just start my marathon training program, unless my wife goes with me. She is just starting out with her running journey. She is complaining about her knee hurting her, so I do not know if she will go or not. Ivan may call on Monday morning, so that is why I will be running tomorrow, instead of Monday. I missed his last call. I do not want to miss another one.Tomorrow is supposed to be a day off from running, but I may just start my marathon training program, unless my wife goes with me. She is just starting out with her running journey. She is complaining about her knee hurting her, so I do not know if she will go or not. Ivan may call on Monday morning, so that is why I will be running tomorrow, instead of Monday. I missed his last call. I do not want to miss another one.